Well, I HAD a bunch of really cool stuff planned... (COVID-19)
This is not the time for panic or hate.
I woke up this morning a different person. Suddenly, and for the first time in my adult life, I am unemployed. I have no schedule to adhere to. I am part of the population of small business owners who have been rocked by this virus and no relief is promised to us at this time (I remain hopeful).
Today marks the second day of a new Kitsap (a new world, really) where schools are closed, restaurants/bars/fitness centers, and salons of all kinds (to name a few) have been told to close their doors to the public. People are practicing social distancing, and it’s starting to set in how serious this will get before it gets better. We are witnesses to history right now, like it or not. Take some time to reflect on what you want your part in this to be.
We can do better than we’ve ever done before, we just have to get smart about it. We live in an online world, how can we use that to support each other? I’m already seeing people getting creative with ideas (I have some of my own too). Historically, I’ve had mixed feelings when it comes to social media. I don’t like the idea of strangers thinking they KNOW me. In times like these, though, social media can help us touch each other’s day without actually touching each other. We can be socially antisocial. Self-quarantine and chill. Reconnect with people on the interwebs, hustle your creative ass off-remotely, if you can. Things are changing. Like it or not, we will come out the other side of this with a new normal. What do we want it to look like?
Here’s what I know: No one is having a good time. Almost every small business and many individuals and families in our community are suffering. As small business owners, our teams and our communities are looking to us for leadership and guidance in a time when both are lacking. Some are lashing out in anger. I understand. I’m angry too. I was right on the brink of a jumping-off point from the last time the bottom fell out of my business. We worked so hard, we were almost there, and we deserve it so hard. Our team has really been through it in the last few years, but the drive to do good in this community keeps us pushing forward and keeps others joining our movement. We've been limping a little, and our pieces are stretched, but mostly, we're together.
I believe in my heart that this is the time for our community to support and love on each other like we never have before.
Be well friends,
We're all working hard to keep this beautiful thing we have going. Check back with us frequently for good vibes and to see updates on ways you can continue to support us (if you’re able) during a really hard time for the small business community.
Stay hydrated, take your vitamins, don’t forget to wash, stretch, meditate, manifest, pray, create, and be kind... The universe said slow down, and so we shall. Forcefully, if necessary.
Stay with us — we're here for you in any way we can be.