Sometimes things get... hairy

Pun totally intended 😝

Let's get super real for a second... Sometimes, running a salon, keeping up on education, balancing a personal life, and trying to give everyone your best all the time can get really tough. Sometimes it can feel impossible to be everything that everyone needs and wants you to be. I refuse to believe that it's impossible. It takes commitment, it takes strength of character, it takes integrity. I believe that with the right balance of people, anything is possible.

Sometimes you just need to take a step back to evaluate and move forward.

I made a big, giant decision to go to Cambodia and volunteer with Justice and Soul. It was a life-changing decision for me. I guess I had high hopes that everyone in my life and work would be supportive of me taking this amazing opportunity to make an actual difference in people's lives. That hasn't necessarily been the case, and that was very hard to take in for a little bit.

I have gotten a lot of support and love for this journey and I am SO grateful. It’s just that... some of the people that I had counted on being my cheerleaders have been heartbreakingly silent or downright negative about my choice to go volunteer my time and skills.

I've taken my step back, I’ve evaluated, and I am continuing to move forward. I know I will be better from this experience and I can not wait to go on this journey. I suspect I’ll come back with a changed perspective.

Thank you to those who have supported me in my decision. I'm making a promise to those people and to myself to soak it all in, enjoy the ride, and return with fantastic stories of humanity, struggle, triumph, and perseverance.

I love what I do, and I have an amazing opportunity to share that love through education. How fortunate am I?

Lots of love,


"Here's to those who wish us well, and those who don't can go to hell." β€” Elaine Benis

Got beef?

Guys! I’m in Cambodia


Life of a Stylist